
Shorts and Even

Film intended to investigate the deep diversity that nowadays exist from mankind and sensitise from discriminatory acts that last to people of different ethnic or nationality, religion or personal conviction, disability, age or sexual orientation.
All this through the widespread power and stimulation, fascination and the ability to catch audience proper of the cinematographic mean.


directed by: Stefano Scarafia
executive production: Damiano Gravili / Boda’
sound and editing: Stefano Scarafia
production: Boda’

Project Details

Client: Regione Piemonte
Year/Country: 2014 / Italy
Duration: 1:01 min
Distribution: (Dvd)
To the website

BODA' DOC - Corso Vinzaglio 12 - 10121 Torino - Cf P.Iva 09661550013