
Harenna Forest Coffee

Coffee is the product most commercialized in the world. Every day is consumed about 2 million cup.
A business, second just tot the petrol one, supported by the work of billion farmer in over 12 countries. Coffee was discovered century ago in Ethiopia, nowadays is the first African exporter and the major consumer of the entire continent. Tahir, Abbas and other little producers gather an unique variety, it born spontaneous in the Harenna forest, at 1880 m of elevation on the mountain of the Nation Park of Bale, in the Oromia region, 350 km in the South Addis Abeba.
With them start the trip of the grain, from the plant to the international market and to our small cup.
This film was be shot in Ethiopia for Four Cities For Dev project and it was then presented at Al Gusto in Bilbao in 2011.


directed by: Francesco Amato, Stefano Scarafia
cinematography: Francesco Amato, Stefano Scarafia
executive production: Damiano Gravini
sound and editing: Stefano Scarafia
production: Slow Food / Boda’

Project Details

Client: Slow Food
Year/Country: 2012 / Ethiopia
Duration: 23:59 min
Distribution: Festival
To the website

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